Sunday, July 23, 2023

Seventh Week(24/07/2023 to 28/07/2023)

24/07/2023  today we had a special assembly in regards with reading day. students of class 10 conducted the assembly well. i was having period in 9a for the 5th period and i continued with my lessons.
25/07/2023 i was having class in 9a for the 5th period after the lunch i continued with my chapters in the class according to the lesson template.
26/07/2023 June 26 we celebrated anti drug abuse day. we had a special session of assembly  in the morning. then i moved on to my class and continued with my lessons.
27/07/2023 thursday went so well.i was having class in 9a for the 4th period.i conducted achievement test for my students.
23/06/2023 the week went so good. it was a lovely day. i moved on to my class for the 5th period in 9a and i distributed papers tomy students.all wrote well and  scored goog marks then i cleared them about the doubts regarding the question paper and discuss about it.

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